firstly sori eh korang aku lama sgt tak update blog..
bukan apa, masalah nak guna internet terhad..
skarang ni je baru dpt beli celcom broadband.. ok la
so pasni aku berjanji akan berusaha lebih untuk blok ni.. aja aja fighting!!
well, sejal akhir tahun lepas, banyak benda dah berlaku pada aku..
nak diceritakan tak terkira banyaknya..
ada yang tersangat menarik untuk dikongsi..
so kalo dah takda topic aku nak bebel t aku cerita kisah lampau ni kay!!
kalo xpun, maybe korang bleh jenguk2 la facebook n frenster aku..
situ aku lg rajin update..
anyway, nak dijadikan cerita.
hari ni, 19 jun 2008. 3.18 pm.
hari ini result upu dah keluar.
well, upu tu mcm integrated system by ministry of higher education
tuk proses kemasukan pelajar ke ipta.
so, aku dah mohon pas graduate matrikulasi..
well my first two choice was educaion..
bio @ uitm, and tesl @ utm..
siap ada intebiu.. damn
xda plak gamba aku pg.. lupa nak snap gamba
gabra punya pasal
tp masuk2 aku intebiu ok je
mcm borak2 formal la lebih kurang..
aku kuar bilik senyum sampai ke pipi..
sume org terkezut beb..
pegawai kat luar pun heran..
aku pk ok je..
coz review yg pegawai tu bg mcm ok
walaupun actually ni 1st real intebiu aku..
tapi panas tak sampai ke tengah hari.
aku igt ada chance dpt education
really3 tot that i did.
smpi aku cek upu arini.
walhal aku siang malam dok tepikir utm or uitm shah alam.
yela, kalo utm aku sgt suka..
dkt dgn umah..
boleh mintak keta satu dr mak..
boring2 balik umah jek..
xsampai satu jam umah aku dr utm..
tambahan plak aku ni ada kes roomate.. (t aku cite la kalo rajin)
so kalo aku xberkenan roomate aku
bleh chow ke rumah
xsakit ati, n xyah merempat di surau lagi..
kalo kat uitm plak ,
ske gak..
well, shah alam..
few moments drive n u r at kl!!
aku suka..
life aku mmg divert kat kl sejak alam shah putrajaya..
aku mmg prefer life kat kl..
sume ada..

even frens ramai gak kat kl..
kalo yg fasilitator tu (btw aku jadi fasilitator kmj intake 09/10 tempoh hari)
dieorg slalu gak buat gathering
n aku ske kalo dpt ikot..
walaupun ramai senior..
n kadang2 rasa mcm being left out..
tapi still, dieorg ni kalo dpt hangout together mmg best..

and ada sorang senior aku tu
nama dia haziq, tapi aku kol dia meon (ni pun t aku cita pasal dia nanti)
dia dak uitm shah alam..
n above everyone, aku paling selesa dgn dia..
so mana taw dpt hangout sama2 kt sana..
should be a very good thing then.,

banyak lagi sebab aku nak di kl.
and some you may know them, but some are yet to be told anyway.
dah pusing2 cita aku ni.
anyway, setelah mencheck upu aku.. (mencheck?? perosak bahasa la aku ni :P)
mmg sangat kecewa..
well, dipendekkan cite, ni la keputusannya..
TAHNIAH! Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut:
http://www.umt.edu.my/kemasukan/tawaranPihak IPTA akan mengeluarkan surat tawaran kepada calon yang berjaya mulai 19 Jun 2009 (Jumaat)
Catatan : Pastikan anda mengesahkan SETUJU TERIMA TAWARAN di laman web IPTA berkaitan sebelum 26 Jun 2009.
Sumber:Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar, Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi,Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
http://www.umt.edu.my/kemasukan/tawaranPihak IPTA akan mengeluarkan surat tawaran kepada calon yang berjaya mulai 19 Jun 2009 (Jumaat)
Catatan : Pastikan anda mengesahkan SETUJU TERIMA TAWARAN di laman web IPTA berkaitan sebelum 26 Jun 2009.
Sumber:Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar, Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi,Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
kejam gle..
kalo english its actually
Bachelor of Food Science (Food Service and Nutrition)
yup. that.
see where the slack is?
food service!!
i said this (and asked them to keep it a secret, but in here i dont think it is anymore. damn.)
and few of them say
say what??
pelik gle..
well, what was i hoping for to be was an educator or a nutrisionist
a nutritionist!!
and what in the world did i get?
food service??
xsama langsung beb..
aku xhot, cume bengang je ni..
yela, bila yang dimintak tak dapat kan..
tapi, takpela..
aku redha..
aku dah biasa..
selalu dikecewakan
in alot of ways..
tapi teringat aku
kisah lalu di upu
sama gak kes dia
masa tu lepas spm..
aku mohon upu
mase tu aku tgh gile2 nak chemical engineering
sebab kemaruk dgn pertronas
yang xmau kasi aku pg UTP
sebab xcukup lg satu A
n u know what..
aku dpt last choice gak..
kat UTHM..
tapi masa tu ok lg,
sebab ada option lain..
dah la tangkak
pusat kain semalaya..
mase pegi sana dulu
rasa mcm terpaksa..
nasib baik dpt lepas lulus
dh la experience aku kat sana 50% mmg macam neraka..
tapi skarang
options lain mmg xda
aku xpernah amik tau
kdg course menarik
tgk cost..
hmm tutup trus risalah @ webpage..
aku ni family sederhana
mana mampu nk g private college??
aritu akak aku ye2 sgt
suh aku g UK
siap suruh aku dtg kat umah dia
bawak sijil n watsoeva
aku dtg
satu hapah pun xckp hapa
at least sparuh janji dh tertunai
aku pg UK..
ulu kelang..
hmm takpela akak, maybe akak bz kot..
n then aku bukak wikipedia tadi,
cari pasal food science ni tadi
tak puas ati punya pasal
web UMT pun aku bedal gak..
ni ha resultya..
Department of Food Science
Offers a bachelor’s programme in food science (specializing in food service and nutrition)
To produce graduates who are well grounded and highly skilful in the disciplines of nutrition, food manufacturing, and food service.
To train individuals to become competent administrators in the food industry and food service sectors.
Programmes Offered
Offers a bachelor’s programme in food science (specializing in food service and nutrition)
To produce graduates who are well grounded and highly skilful in the disciplines of nutrition, food manufacturing, and food service.
To train individuals to become competent administrators in the food industry and food service sectors.
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Food Science (Food Service and Nutrition)
Food science
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(part of) The food science and technology building of Wageningen University.
Food science is a discipline concerned with all technical aspects of food, beginning with harvesting or slaughtering, and ending with its cooking and consumption. It is considered one of the agricultural sciences, and is usually considered distinct from the field of nutrition.
Examples of the activities of food scientists include the development of new food products, design of processes to produce these foods, choice of packaging materials, shelf-life studies, sensory evaluation of the product with trained expert panels or potential consumers, as well as microbiological and chemical testing. Food scientists at universities may study more fundamental phenomena that are directly linked to the production of particular food product and its properties. In the U.S., food science is typically studied at land-grant universities.
Food science is a highly interdisciplinary applied science. It incorporates concepts from many different fields including microbiology, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and many others.
Some of the subdisciplines of food science include:
Food safety - the causes, prevention and communication dealing with foodborne illness
Food microbiology - the positive and negative interactions between micro-organisms and foods
Food preservation - the causes and prevention of quality degradation
Food engineering - the industrial processes used to manufacture food
Product development - the invention of new food products
Sensory analysis - the study of how food is perceived by the consumer's senses
Food chemistry - the molecular composition of food and the involvement of these molecules in chemical reactions
Food packaging - the study of how packaging is used to preserve food after it has been processed and contain it through distribution.
Molecular gastronomy - the scientific investigation of processes in cooking, social & artistic gastronomical phenomena
Food technology - the technological aspects
Food physics - the physical aspects of foods (such as viscosity, creaminess, and texture)
Some of the subdisciplines of food science include:
Food safety - the causes, prevention and communication dealing with foodborne illness
Food microbiology - the positive and negative interactions between micro-organisms and foods
Food preservation - the causes and prevention of quality degradation
Food engineering - the industrial processes used to manufacture food
Product development - the invention of new food products
Sensory analysis - the study of how food is perceived by the consumer's senses
Food chemistry - the molecular composition of food and the involvement of these molecules in chemical reactions
Food packaging - the study of how packaging is used to preserve food after it has been processed and contain it through distribution.
Molecular gastronomy - the scientific investigation of processes in cooking, social & artistic gastronomical phenomena
Food technology - the technological aspects
Food physics - the physical aspects of foods (such as viscosity, creaminess, and texture)
The main organization in the United States regarding food science and food technology is the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, which is the US member organisation of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). The European national organisations are organised into the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), based at Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
Some popular books on some aspects of food science or kitchen science have been written by Harold McGee and Howard Hillman.
Some popular books on some aspects of food science or kitchen science have been written by Harold McGee and Howard Hillman.
In the October 2006 issue of Food Technology, 2006-07 IFT President Dennis R. Heldman noted that the IFT Committee on Higher Education gave the current definition of food science as follows: "Food Science is the discipline in which the engineering, biological, and physical sciences are used to study the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods for the consuming public."[1]
And so..
yang aku xleh blah tu
ada food microbiology
n food physics
what the heck???
mmg maut aku nak blaja benda ni sume
so doa2kanlah kejayaan aku..
kalau aku amik course ni
or doa2kan aku
moga2 aku dpt tawaran lain yang lebih menarik
anyway, aku takot skit,
ada membe aku kasi message kat aku:
"kos ape je ambik?? bagus2 masuk u ye
jgn jadi penganggur yg xterhormat, hee.."
huh. seram dowh status tu.